Why your Helpers also deserve some monthly time off?
Monthly offs are crucial for the domestic helper. These are people who are involved in rigorous physical and laborious work throughout the day, day after day. Monthly offs are mandatory for any kind of job, especially if it is a full-time job. And, it should be a usual feature with the 24-hours domestic helpers too. Scientific research and evidence have proved the importance of weekly and monthly rest period. As per the Domestic Act 2008 in India, it is mandatory that domestic helpers should have rest for at least 10 consecutive hours after they end work for the day. Besides legal rules, providing helpers rest period is human and basic.
Let us first understand the importance of monthly offs for the helpers and then how-to set-in place a good monthly-off system.
Rest is important for the mind and body. It helps rejuvenate the brain, the heart and the entire body that is essential for maintaining and enhancing the health of the helper. Rest is also important to reduce stress levels. This is the day that the person has all to himself — it provides the helper with the much required me-time. They can lots on this days — from finishing pending personal work to visiting family and friends, to catching up on sleep, entertaining himself — there are lot of things that the person does on the day off so that the mind and body is rested well and he can join back work with enhanced energies and motivation.
In the context of paid monthly offs to domestic helpers, it is definitely a good and sound practice. More so, because for one, it helps the helper rest and rejuvenate; and second, it assures the helper that the employer is concerned about his health and well-being which in turn plays an important role in retaining the person. Domestic helpers and maids who feel that kind of reassurance that they are getting few paid leaves in the month have lesser urges to look out for other jobs and will usually stick with the employer for a longer period of time.
There are certain aspects of monthly offs that if done and decided properly can lead to minimization of stress for both the employer and the helper. It can set into place a proper and healthy working routine that is good for mental peace of everyone concerned.